Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The elimination!

The gals are eating their own, ha ha ha.

I love how they try justifying their eliminations. It all comes down to who has the prettiest hair. Just like Drivers Training.

Stick a fork in her, Katheryn is done. Blah Blah Blah, she describes her self as defensive, and not a part of the group. Kind of a bummer. It doesn't seem that anyone cares. Well Kathryn, I care. I'm going to miss that big gal, until next week.
Fat girls exercising montage! They have estimated that they each need to lose 6 lbs to win... lets find out!

Girl's Weigh In.
Jen: previous weight 248, current weight 244. Cottage cheese level 9
Katherine: previous weight 202, current weight 201. Cottage cheese level def con 5!
Andrea: previous weight 209, current weight 204. Cottage cheese level - chedder
Some gal: Previous weight 207, current weight 205. Ccottage cheese level -sour
Suzanne: Previous weight 213, current weight 209. Cottage cheese level - who are we kidding
Shannon: Previous weight 242, current weight 240. Cottage cheese level - wholesale!
Suzy: Previous weight 207, current weight 205. Cottage cheese level - off the scale

And the gals lost!!!!, Guys are celebrating with steaks as big as your Head! Trainer does not think it is funny. The trainer says he is full of crap. I knew he was full of something.
And we're back. Matt lived! he has a tear in his quad. He is going to fight on... The team is entirely confident that he will get the pounds off.
The guys are confident. But they were confident last week. They are having a bit of a chat with their trainer. Lots of come on guys, push it, etc. Now fat guys are racing skinny trainer. Matts Down! He pulled some fat. Gurney comes out... the other guys are worried... will he pull through???? another cliff hanger.
Seth: previous weight 270, current weight 262. Boobs - subtle
Nick: previous weight 318, current weight 308. Boobs - hairy
Jeff: previous weight 352, current weight 344. Boobs - I've seen better.
Pete: previous weight 379, current weight 371. Boobs -babyliscious
Matt: previous weight 311, current weight 304. Boobs - perky
Mark: previous weight 335, current weight 325. Boobs - the "unnubbins"

They lost 2.6% We'll see if it holds up.
Weigh In!

The gals get an additional day to exercise. Seth is up first. - ah a cliff hanger, will need to wait till after the commercial.
The fat gals won! I guess I'll be able to sleep tonight...

They get to read their letters from home and we get to pretend we care. If I were making this show, I let the gals trade their letters for a ho-ho.
This weeks big showdown: the gals must decide who sits this one out, the fattie or the fattie. They choose the fattie. OH, they are teasing us with wet suits....shutter, shutter, shutter.

Score: Men 1 Women 0
Men 2 Women 1
Men 3 Women 2
Fat guy falls in the water, followed by fat girl falling in the water. -thank God for bouyancy!
The trainer is preaching about balance, core strength, and agility. Lots of video of fat people exercising - poorly. Now the guys. Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle.

Female trainer says that nick is a renegade - He only likes his pancakes with a 5 lb side of bacon, not link sausage!
The first real test. All of the contestant (read fatties) are told they can read a letter from their families if they only eat tacos, french toast, pizza, etc. None of them took the bait. Score - fatties 1, Evil Producers 0
live blogging "The Biggest Loser" - cause someone has to!
We've got racoons! First came the mice, then came the bat, and now raccoons. We took care of the mice with an exterminator (not before the mice used my wall as their own personal commode). I took care of the bat by running around the house shrieking and swinging a dirty broom. Now what do I do to the racoons???? There are a least 4 of the little critters and every night they sneak on to my back deck to harass my cats. I'm contemplating shooting one of them with my shotgun, but I have the sneaky suspicion that this action will only enrage them. The biggest racoon only has 3 legs. How did he loose one of his legs and what did he do to whoever took his leg???

Thursday, September 08, 2005


First Post!