Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mustache Contest Finale

I lost. I lost bad. I lost really really badly. Damn my hairless body! A curse to all of those ethnic types that need to shave 15 times a day and still look like sasquatch. My only solace is that the terrorists can grow bitchin' beards and I don't want to have anything in common with those Piglet hatin' head choppers. Here is the growth chart for the winner.

I have one word to describe this guy: Terrorist!

Here is a group shot of all of the participants. You can tell by our expressions, that January with facial hair was a cruel combination.

This is the trophy.

It is pretty sweet. A little too sweet if you know what I mean. This will definitely end up in the winner's metaphysical hall of shame. Wouldn't it be strange to come upon this little gem in an old trunk of your dead grandfather's house? What would you think? "Wow it looks like old Pappy won a "Stachey" back in aught 6. No wonder I have to shave my legs four times a day....

Here is my picture from the final day:

I think you will agree that Jason + Mustache does not equal mad love. Having a mustache is kooky. Complete strangers start calling you "Dude".

I leave you with possibly the most disturbing image of them all.

* Warning * * Warning * * Warning * * Warning * * Warning * * Warning *

He's single ladies!