Friday, January 27, 2006

Cox and Forum.

If you are not going here daily, you should be. Probably the best libertarian/conservative cartoonists out there.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Let Us Get Honest

Now that Hamas has won a huge victory in the "Palestinian" elections, can we finally stop saying that the so called "Palestinian" People want peace. Democracy is a great thing, primarily because it allows people to express their individual hopes and dreams through a political process. With the election of a terrorist group, no one can doubt that the "Palestinian" people hope and dream for the destruction of Israel.

I'm waiting for the United States, EU, and the rest of the West to stop sending foreign aid to these losers.

Also... Why are so many people shocked that Hamas won? The only reason I can think of is that they though Fawtwah would cheat.

Monday, January 23, 2006

An Ode to my Cat!

Pignose oh Pignose,
Why do you look so blue?
Pignose oh Pignose,
Your disdain for me is true.

Pignose oh Pignose,
Why do you feel so free?
Pignose oh Pignose,
Please don't squat on the carpet and pee!

I found an interesting post on the link between the parasite that lives in cats and schizophrenia. It seems that this parasite has been shown to infect rats brains and make these rats less afraid of cats. Rats not afraid of cats = rats in the bellies of cats. Rats treated with anti schizophenia drugs regain their fears of cats.

Note: this parasite can also affect humans.

Things are beginning to make sense. Due to my wife's recent pregnancy, I became the designated "litter box boy". I now suspect that I have become infected with this parasite. This infection explains much of my recent poor behavior. In addition, it seems that my cats have been controlling me.... causing me to purchase kitty treats and to feed them beef jerky. It is only a matter of time before Pignose rules the world. Say goodbye to clean carpets everywhere.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mustache Contest Day 19.

So begins the dog days of the contest. The mid point week and the bloom is definitely off the rose. Scratchy, itchy, and definitely the ideal habitat for breeding lice. Enough of the benefits of the mustache, now on to the negatives of a mustache/facial hair. In researching the ideal style of mustache, it began to dawn on me that many mustaches (mustachi?) seem to have a high correlation to EVIL. Hitler, Stalin, Castro, pretty much all head choppers, and various male porn stars all sport a mustache. Which came first, the mustache or the megalomaniac behavior. I'll be closely monitoring myself for evil and or the impulse to audition for "low budget" film projects.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Those wacky Germans!

Mustache Contest Day 13:

Did you know that there is a "World Beard and Mustache Championship"?

In three short years it will be held in Anchorage Alaska. I have begun planning and construction of my own masterpiece. I'm leaning towards "The nuclear destruction of Iran" expressed in facial hair, but may yet change directions and construct the "Islamification of Europe" That last one may not work so well due to what appears to be a heavy European slant in the ranks of contestants.

Oh, check that, I'm not going to participate in this crap. I just read "This time, there was no overall winner, consistent with the regulations of the Association of German Beard Clubs." Only the Germans would institute a contest with no winner. Of course this may be a reflection that in a beard and mustache championship there really are no winners... just losers.

Anyway, day 13 not much different from day 12. Growth continues unabated. I've come to believe that if my beard was thicker, I would look like Grizzly Adams right now. No more withdrawals from the contest, and we have begun designing the trophy. I suggested a Mr. Potato Head with nothing but the Mustache attached. We are researching the costs of bronzing said Potato Head.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Office Mustache Growing Contest

My team at work decided to hold a little mustache growing contests for the month of January.

Day 12:
Growth continues unabated. Not yet Gabe Kaplan, but well on my way. Yesterday we had our first quitter. He only lasted eleven days. Due to the early withdrawl, I decided we needed to institute a buddy system. Much like an alcoholic has a sponsor they can call in their hour of need, we now have mustache buddies. People who have never attempted to cultivate the perfect mustache do not understand the dark recesses of the soul that a man explores peering at a half grown mustache at 5 AM.