Friday, December 04, 2009

God's Birthday Present to me!

Today is my 36th birthday! Yeah Me! I decided to go work out at the gym this morning before work and God blessed me with the perfect birthday gift. As I entered the packed weight room and moved over to the leg curl machine, I noticed the quintessential Microsoft employee. He was a late 40's early 50's skinny, pasty white nerd with glasses. Not the old school type of nerd you used to feel sorry for when they got spat on riding the bus, but the modern nerd version who grew up, got a job at a software company and thinks he is the smartest guy in the world. He was working out with his trainer who was a 20's something gal (not bad looking) and I could tell this guy was attempting to impress her with the only thing an arrogant pasty white nerd can, his "intellect".
As I began to work out, I noticed that this guy was wearing a Che t-shirt. I hate Che t-shirts almost as much as I hate the morons who wear them. I was thinking of a way I could confront this jackass when God presented me with the perfect opportunity. This guy's trainer asked him who was on his shirt and you could tell from the way his eyes lit up that he was hoping she would ask him that question so that he could impress her with his knowledge of the "great revolutionary" Che Guevara.

The guy goes into his mini lecture on the "great" Che Guevara, telling her "Che was a freedom fighter who fought to free poor people throughout Central America..." he went on to say that "the CIA assassinated him before he was able to free all of the peasants and bring about a just society in Central America." At this point, I've had enough and say, "Why are you lying to her? Che was a mass murderer who tortured innocent men woman and children. He was one of the worst tyrants of the 20th Century." The guy says to me "One man's tyrant is another man's freedom fighter." to which I replied, "Where's your Hitler T-shirt? Is it dirty, or do you only wear it on the Sabbath?" At this point the trainer stepped in, and moved the guy over to a different part of the weight room.

It always shocks me when I see grown, educated men working out at an exclusive and highly expensive club celebrating a guy who would have taken great pleasure in torturing and killing him. The other thing that shocks me is that at this club, most of the low level employees are recent immigrants from Central and South America. The guys who clean up the locker room, wash the floors, and clean the toilets for minimum wage might have relatives who were tortured and murdered by Che and this jackass is prancing around in a Che t-shirt... unbelievable...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cat as Pillow.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I have no idea where these two think this crap up...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

GG's Letter to Violet...

Dear Violet,

It has come to my attention that you are being pressured to give up the binky. Do not, I repeat do not give in to the pressure. Mommas rarely know best when it comes to binkies... Let me tell you that my binky is like a friend, no in fact it is better than a friend. A binky will never let you down. Your Mom is going to attempt all kinds of crazy stuff to get rid of the Binky, bribes, spanking, telling you she "lost" it. Don't believe it. It is all lies... Make a deal with her, you'll give up your binky if she gives up posting on Facebook.

Binky Up!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Emi hiding in a cupboard!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pictures of Emi!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A couple of remodel pictures...
Our remodel is nearly done... here is my favorite part so far... the new glass garage doors. first the before pictures...

and after...

This baby glows like a chinese lantern at night.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Movie Time

Yesterday was a big day in my girls life, as I introduced them to my all time favorite movie, "Planet of the Apes". Both GG and Emi loved it. The first scene with the apes they both yelled "Monkeys!". GG asked me why the "monkeys" were talking and I was able tell her it was due to man's inhumanity to man which pretty much describes every situation not covered by my attage either her daddy loved her too much or not enough.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Greatest Comic Book Cover Ever?

Lileks says this is the greatest comic book cover ever, and I agree!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sister Fight!

GG doing what she does best, Emi doing what she does best....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Zoolander Moment

I had a strange Zoolander moment this morning on my way to work. I stopped to get gas at the local gas station, which was unusable busy, and I took the last pump available. As I got out of the car I overheard a lady at the next pump say to a guy pumping gas, "Are you seriously smoking while you pump gas?" The guy who was smoking as he pumped gas said, "Yep". The gal quickly replied, "Then you are as stupid as you look!" The guy sort of shrugged and gave a so what look. Then the lady said, "the worst part of this is that you are going to kill all of us, along with your stupid ass!".

I quickly walked into the gas station to avoid the stupidity. As I walked past the pumps, I counted no less than 12 "No Smoking" signs....

Friday, January 09, 2009

Emi is a jumping fool!

I haven't posted for a while.... but here is video of Emi who has just learned to jump. She can't jump very high yet. But she can jump alot. GG tries to get into the action...