Monday, March 26, 2007

GG's New Chair!

GG doesn't want you to see how happy she is with her new chair. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find a decent chair for a toddler. Most toddler chairs look like someone took Grandma's chair and left it in the dryer too long.

We went to Target yesterday, more to get out of the house than anything else. Walking down the aisles, we spotting this kick butt leather chair that looks pretty similar to my Barcalounger. I called on the customer service phone to see if they had one in the box. The Target guy said the chair on display was the only one they had, so I grabbed it just as a couple of ladies were bending down to pick it up. Eat it suckas! The best part, was that this chair only cost $59.99.

When we got it home, GG immediately sat in it, then stood on it, then attempted to jump from the back of the chair to the couch. The nut loves her new chair. I think I'm going to teach her how to sit on in Mork from Ork style tonight.
GG Sings Karaoke!

Here is a video of GG singing Karaoke along with Anthony.

Friday, March 23, 2007

You Want to Buy A Monkey?

I'm pretty sure this monkey was headed for Naarah.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

GG vs. Ava!

Let me post 2 pictures that will demonstrate the difference between Ava and GG.

Ava rides, while GG drives!

Monday, March 19, 2007

GG Rocks Out!

I believe that Ava just got served!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

New GG video!

A few months ago, GG figured out that she could control her parents through audible stimulation. The first time she did this, the wife and I attempted to ignore the horrible sound of fingernails on a metal surface. We knew that if GG noticed even a slight twinge in our bodies in response to the sound, that we would be constantly subjected to the whims of a 15 month old.

I'm here to say that it is physically impossible to not react to a sound much like the sound of fingernails on a chalk board. I bet you cringed a little as you read my last sentence. Welcome to our new puppet master.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

GG Channels the High Plains Drifter.

I'm right in the middle of story boarding my all children cast Western. It is sort of a cross between Bugsy Malone and High Plains Drifter. I figure as long as I'm this far along, I can publicly post photos of some early costume ideas, and not give any idea stealers a chance to beat me to the punch.

The basic story revolves around a crooked town sheriff (Sheriff BlackJohn) who is brutalizing both man and beast. It opens with the bad sheriff forcing cats to entertain unruly ranchers in the local "Cat House". The ranchers are heckling a performer (Lil Miss Pickles) and Sheriff BlackJohn slaps the cat around and pulls her tail.

Into this lawless, God forsaken, flea bitten (literally) town rides a courageous hero to save the day. Using both guile and a strange command of feline affection, the stranger unites the good people of the town for the climatic battle against Sheriff BlackJohn.

Here are some early costume and prop shots.

And no, Ava can't have a part. The rumors are that she is much too temperamental.