Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Columbians are Clown Hunting!

This article tells the tale of two Columbians clowns who were shot down during a circus performance in Cucuta Columbia Monday night. Apparantly a guy just burst into the tent during the performance and started shooting.
The local police chief was quoted as saying, "The killings had nothing to do with the show the victims were performing at the time of the incident,". I have to call bullsh*t on this one. How does the police chief know that the clowns' performance did not cause the man to go bonkers?
I've seen plenty of clown performances in my day from the run of the mill 5 year old birthday party clown, to the "Clownin' Around for Jesus" clowns, to the high falutin' French Canadian smarmy clown, and each time I have had a tiny urge to start shooting. As many of you know, I have almost Superhuman self control. (See wife blog) If I get a tiny urge to shoot clowns every time I see them "perform", a lesser man really can't be blamed for acting on his urge. For all I know, Columbian clown performance may quite litererly be the ninth circle of hell.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Results are in!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Who's got more street cred?

Here is a little question for you! Which kid has more street credibility? The one on the left or the one on the right? The one on the left, Ava - blonde, German sounding name, holding a fiesta bag, going out to look for her tiddlie - winks. The one on the right, Double G - brunette, dressed to the nines, with a crazy eyed killar look. You don't know if she is going to say "hi!", or jump off that side table and kill you with her mad Kung Fu.

Look at it another way, if you dropped both kids off in the Ghetto, which one is going to get mugged in like 6 seconds, and which one is going to be rollin' with the homeys? I think we all know the answer....

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

GG Rides her horse!

She gets fitted for her grillz next week!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Her Mother's Daughter.

The kid was infectious yesterday, so I stayed home with her. It wasn't too bad because she was in a better mood, but one incident bears telling. I was busy doing some work when I noticed that the Kid had wandered off and was being relatively quiet. As any parent knows, this sets off large, loud warning bells in your head.

I went to investigate, and at first glance, it looked like the kid was enjoying a Baby Ruth bar. I could see the chocolaty nougat sticking out from between her lips. I said to myself, "hmm, I wonder were she got the candy bar from?" I thought the wife may have had a pregnancy snack fall out of her purse or something. As I got closer, I realized that it wasn't a Baby Ruth. It was a cat turd, and by the looks of it, a pretty fresh one.

As any good Father would, I started for the camera before I stopped myself and extracted said turn from my little angel's mouth. You can be damn well sure that she didn't get cat turd eating from my side of the family.