Sunday, May 27, 2007

Japanese Tourist Watch!

Back in the days before I had a blog and when I was working at Microsoft, I used to see a ton of Japanese Tourists on the Microsoft Campus. I don't know why anyone would visit a corporate office park on vacation, but the Japanese are a little different. The interesting thing is that these tourists don't even get to go into any buildings -- they pretty much just get to look at the outsides of a nondescript office park. Everyone of them does get their photo taken next to one of the Microsoft signs.

In honor of my return, I present a new series: What the goofy Japanese Tourists are Wearing!

Excuse the bad photo, I took it with my phone's camera as I was driving by. This guy is wearing black tennis shoes with pulled up white tube socks. The sock have the excellent racing stripes. He is wearing white clamdiggers, a belt and to top it all off, he has a black t-shirt with the Playboy bunny in white on the front. Expect to see everyone in America sporting this outfit in like five years...

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Here is a quick shot of GG holding Emirie. GG really likes her. She get mad when you grab try to take her away.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Emirie Reagan Hastings!
This kid has a ton of black curly hair.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New Post!

I got a new job, so I've been a bit too busy to blog for a while, but the latest issue of my home town rag, The Sammamish Review's police blotter is way to good this week.

The Sammamish Review doesn't post the police blotter online, so no link. Here we go.

Misplaced Rage

A 19-year-old male was arrested after causing a disturbance in his family's home in the 200 block of 222nd Avenue Northeast at 8 a.m. April 15. the suspect alleged that a member of his family had stolen a $5 bill that the suspect had left on the couch in the house. In his rage, he smashed a plate in the kitchen and began to empty out the refrigerator. Police responded and arrested the suspect. While booking him into jail, an officer found a $5 bill to be in the suspect's possession.

The cops had to be laughing their ass off at this moron.