Friday, November 17, 2006


I know many of you had your doubts. It's alright, you can admit it now. I've overheard snippets of conversations from time to time. But Naarah and I actually raised a honest to goodness human being for one whole year! I had my doubts after the first day when Naarah attempted to paint GG's fingernails. I can still hear the Asian nurse yelling at us: "Who paint baby nails!!!???", "Who paint baby nails!!!???" "No paint baby nails! ... ever!" Fair enough, you learn something new every day.

In the beginning, my plan was to defer to Naarah on most things baby. My reasoning was that she was the oldest of four girls and should have had plenty of experience with babies. I was the youngest child in my family and had never changed a diaper in my life. The fingernail painting incident slapped me with cold harsh reality. Anyway, I figure the hard part is over and it just gets progressively easier from here till she's eighteen. Naarah loves montages so here is GG's life in photo!


LaShay said...

beauaful beauaful kid ya got there. Don't ever defer any information to Nara based on her placement in the family, she was more of a dictator than a go "doer" of any

JADA said...

This was sweet. I agree time flies when you are having fun. And by those pictures you look like you are having alot if it!
Happy Birthday GG! Did you get my present yet?

cowboy said...

Ok, I agree I had my doubts. But don't get cocky. There is a long learning curve here. waite until your kid or kids figure you out.If you soften up and they play you like a loose. Remember a lotta love, a lotta laughter and a lotta beatings make for a good kid. Look what it did for me

JamaJama said...

wow. nicely said. nicely done. you deserve a photo of you and gg cause you are such a great dad...