Friday, December 15, 2006

We Survived!

We survived the massive wind storm of aught-six! We had 4 large trees blown over, two of them ended up falling on the power lines and blocking our road in. The neighbors and I cut down one of the trees and cleared a couple more, but there is still a large tree stuck in the power lines but we can drive our small car under it. Once we have power back, (which could be in six or seven days,) I will post pictures. Seacrest out!


cowboy said...

Your storm was on the news most of the day. We will need photos to prove that you were outside working on cutting trees up.

JADA said...

That was a funny comment dad! YEah really though- I want to see the video clip - that would be cool!

JamaJama said...

you guys. so amazing. thank good ness you are ok.