Thursday, January 10, 2008

Genius Daughter # 1

Last night GG wanted a treat, so she reached into the "cracker" drawer and grabbed a fruit roll up. This is the first time she has had a fruit roll up and I explained to her as I unwrapped it, what it was. I told her that it is crushed fruit rolled up into a tube with plastic on the outside, and she shouldn't eat the plastic.

GG said thanks, unwrapped it and started licking it. A few minutes later, GG was rumaging through the cupboards and emerged with a rolling pin. I didn't think much of it, as I was concentrating on eating diner. A few minutes later I noticed GG standing at the coffee table attempting to roll out her chewed up fruit roll up. There was a large sticky blue pile on the table and GG was using the rolling pin to remake her fruit roll up. I have know idea how she thought that up....

1 comment:

JamaJama said...

She is brilliant! Well Done GG