Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Movie Time

Yesterday was a big day in my girls life, as I introduced them to my all time favorite movie, "Planet of the Apes". Both GG and Emi loved it. The first scene with the apes they both yelled "Monkeys!". GG asked me why the "monkeys" were talking and I was able tell her it was due to man's inhumanity to man which pretty much describes every situation not covered by my attage either her daddy loved her too much or not enough.


Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Um, wow. I didn't even understand that. Poor GG. You should just tell her the devil lives in those monkeys and that is why they talk.

LaShay said...

Don't be afraid to show them Soilent Green, Flight of the Navigator, The last Star Fighter, Goonies, and Cloak and Daggar. ALL CLASSICS, with political undertones. The kids love it!

cowboy said...

Planet of the apes could give them nightmares. Classic, good kids movies might be spanky and his gang. They where all poor. They made forts and stuff out of daily junk to have fun. This is the way we all are headed now. We all will be poor because all the incentive to make money will be gone. If we make money it will be taken away from us and given to people who do not work. We all will have to sit around and make stuff out of junk in order to have fun and live. Your kids might as well get used to this. Show them old reality films

JamaJama said...

Not sure this is great child nurturing or great concepts in child development. Maybe we should all start pitching in now for the psychologist bills. And ... Uh... disregard the man behind the curtain... seriously...let's think of the children here. They have to live in this world when we're all gone.