Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Weird workout story:

I diligently workout six days a week to keep myself in fighting trim. I belong to a large exclusive high end club, the kind where people play squash, hit the spa, blow dry their genitals (a story for another time), then sip wine at one of the 2 restaurants in the club. This place has flat screen digital TV all over the place, all of the latest equipment impeccably maintained, the whole nine yards. The level of service and luxury at this club typically translates into the rudest membership roster possible.

This morning I am working out on the stepmill, doing a quick 35 minutes of cardio before lifting some weights, and a guy jumps up on the machine next to mine. I immediately look down the line of 30 open machines, and wondered why this guy would pick the machine next to mine. I am about 15 minutes into my workout when, the guy starts fumbling with the magazine he was reading and drops it off the front of his machine. I finish my workout, wipe down my machine, and was about to head down to the weight room when the guy next to me asks me to get his magazine for him. I was shocked. In order to get this guy's magazine, I would have to either walk about 20 yard down the row of machines, turn and walk back, or squeeze through a 7" gap between the machines. I choose to squeeze through the gap, grab the magazine and as I handed it to him with my sweaty hand I said, "Here's your magazine ya Jackass!".

The guy looked at me like I just punched his poodle. I guess he could not comprehend that I wouldn't want to be his man servant and clean up after him.

1 comment:

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Punched his poodle, now that is funny stuff!