Friday, October 28, 2005

Ah... Friday night and good Spanish wine.

Friday night and all is quiet. The wife is sleeping on the the couch. Periodically she wakes up and says stuff like, "why are all the light on?" and "Turn down the T.V." I am watching VH1's I love the 80's 3D. Right now they are profiling Jimmy the Greek. Yawn. I highly recommend Solanes 2001 Priorat. Very very good. I'm not yet at the point where I will describe the wine in high falutin' flowery language. Get it and try it. I'm going to have to purchase a case, and throw it in the cellar. A+

If you have been reading the blog, you will know that we have coons. They live in the back forty and basically come around and bother the cats from time time. I now believe that they are up to no good. This morning as I was leaving for work, I noticed one raccoon slinking around the side of my house. A few minutes later, another raccoon appeared and looked a little guilty. They are planning something, and I have the sneaky suspicion that what ever it is, it is not benevolent.

2 weeks to go till the kid is scheduled to arrive. We'll see if she is on time. Knowing her mother, she will be late, but stylish.

For you viewing pleasure, I have include "Monkey Bass".


LaShay said...

You look good playing the base, I like the new facial hair. It makes you look more mature!
So the count down begins. T minus 14 days till GG protrudes.I'm excited!

JS said...

That's what she said!