Friday, December 09, 2005

Dirty diaper, dirty diaper, dirty diaper, dirty diaper, etc, etc, etc,.........................

3 week old daughter.... nothing but poop, puke, and crying...

the weird thing is I love it. I promise to blog more when I get some time. Work has been crazy, but good, I finally have something to do.

I will have much more on wine and wine reviews when I start posting regularly. Also, I turned 32 last week, and I didn't post my thoughts. - may be a good thing.

Consumed a great Spanish wine tonight, - I must warn, after I drank it, I ordered ABBA Gold, - it was that good! - anyway, I will post soon.

1 comment:

cowboy said...

Happy birthday Jason
So you got a lot of puke, poop and crying hey? Well someone had to clean up after you when you were small. I am glad that you are getting into it anyway. It will pay off in the end