Sunday, December 18, 2005

One month old

I snapped this picture while genevieve was pretending to sleep. Right now she is laying on the couch beside me listing to 70's music. It really seems to have a calming effect on her.

Today is daddy/daughter day. Genevieve's mom is going out Christmas shopping today and that means Baby's first Seahawks game! The education begins in earnest today. First a little football, then a continuation on musical themes. I started her out on 70's music because it was the height of the signer/songwritter era and as such is pretty mellow. You can't force feed baby reggae at one month, although I will probably slip a little Bob Marley in, just to get her interest peaked.

The musical education became important once I found out that her mother had been playing total "crap music" when she was in the womb. Backstreet Boys, Modonna, etc. is not going to cut it for my daughter. Badfinger just came on, and Genevieve is grooving. Got to go, the Mom just woke up.

1 comment:

JamaJama said...

You know, i like you more and more as a son in law. 70s music rocks!
The Who, Chicago... Now that's music... Start that babe out right and before long its Carly Simon and Carol King.... James Taylor...Rock on.