Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Month Six

The kid turns six months old today, and along with the requisite inoculations, received her six month weigh in and measurements. My “little” angel is almost 20 lbs! 95 – 97 percentile in weight, but alas, only 75 percentile in height. As the wife repeatedly says, “So Advanced”. The picture at the top is GG sacked out getting a little rest and relaxation on our vacation in Scottsdale. It is so stressful being an infant.

GG was quite a hit on our vacation. In the security line at the airport, while we were snaking our way towards the metal detectors, many a stranger commented on the beauty of our child. GG seems to enjoy smiling at strangers and was a big hit with our fellow travelers. The wife and I used the 105 degree heat to teach the child to drink from a sippy cup. GG is partial to sparkling water.


cowboy said...

GG is so cute. I bet she was a va-ca hit.Thanks for posting the new photos. Almost 20lbs is quite a mass for 6 mo.. When we were young parents(after WWII)A young child was thought to be quite a tub-O-lard if they were 24lbs to 32lbs at 12 months old.

JamaJama said...

What a doll baby. Wish I could see her right now. Time for me to come for a visit...

JADA said...

Oh she is so preciously cute in hats in Scottsdale!