Monday, March 26, 2007

GG's New Chair!

GG doesn't want you to see how happy she is with her new chair. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find a decent chair for a toddler. Most toddler chairs look like someone took Grandma's chair and left it in the dryer too long.

We went to Target yesterday, more to get out of the house than anything else. Walking down the aisles, we spotting this kick butt leather chair that looks pretty similar to my Barcalounger. I called on the customer service phone to see if they had one in the box. The Target guy said the chair on display was the only one they had, so I grabbed it just as a couple of ladies were bending down to pick it up. Eat it suckas! The best part, was that this chair only cost $59.99.

When we got it home, GG immediately sat in it, then stood on it, then attempted to jump from the back of the chair to the couch. The nut loves her new chair. I think I'm going to teach her how to sit on in Mork from Ork style tonight.


Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Jason and I were lucky to get that chair. There were two women behind us who wanted it, but Jason was quicker than they were and grabbed the last one!

LaShay said...

Funny how you leave the tag on the chair as if GG knows the value of a coin yet. What is this a backlash from your homie days J? I betchya leave the tags on your jeans and your baseball caps too!

anonymouspurple said...

Nanoo nanoo!

JamaJama said...

every girl needs her own space.
Now GG has hers.

JADA said...

That is so cute- I know Shammy loved his first chair- and still does! It looks like yours might last a little longer than our one that looks like grandma's old chair that got stuck in the dryer...