Sunday, May 27, 2007

Japanese Tourist Watch!

Back in the days before I had a blog and when I was working at Microsoft, I used to see a ton of Japanese Tourists on the Microsoft Campus. I don't know why anyone would visit a corporate office park on vacation, but the Japanese are a little different. The interesting thing is that these tourists don't even get to go into any buildings -- they pretty much just get to look at the outsides of a nondescript office park. Everyone of them does get their photo taken next to one of the Microsoft signs.

In honor of my return, I present a new series: What the goofy Japanese Tourists are Wearing!

Excuse the bad photo, I took it with my phone's camera as I was driving by. This guy is wearing black tennis shoes with pulled up white tube socks. The sock have the excellent racing stripes. He is wearing white clamdiggers, a belt and to top it all off, he has a black t-shirt with the Playboy bunny in white on the front. Expect to see everyone in America sporting this outfit in like five years...


JamaJama said...

I could tell you horror stories about japanese tourists, but you seem to have some of your own. I rmember bein so PO when they japanese tourists budged in line in front of me in front of Buckingham Palace. They have NO manners. Really pathetic. I know that's generalization, but you had to be there.

Marylyn said...

What NOT to wear - coming to you from Redmond, WA.

JADA said...

I love the Japs for many reasons. And yes, fashion sense is one of them. I guess I would always take the side of someone who at least has a sense of style (good or other) vs. somebody who does not have any style at all (come visit St. Cloud, MN)!