Wednesday, May 02, 2007

New Post!

I got a new job, so I've been a bit too busy to blog for a while, but the latest issue of my home town rag, The Sammamish Review's police blotter is way to good this week.

The Sammamish Review doesn't post the police blotter online, so no link. Here we go.

Misplaced Rage

A 19-year-old male was arrested after causing a disturbance in his family's home in the 200 block of 222nd Avenue Northeast at 8 a.m. April 15. the suspect alleged that a member of his family had stolen a $5 bill that the suspect had left on the couch in the house. In his rage, he smashed a plate in the kitchen and began to empty out the refrigerator. Police responded and arrested the suspect. While booking him into jail, an officer found a $5 bill to be in the suspect's possession.

The cops had to be laughing their ass off at this moron.


Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Omg! I had to read this twice to understand what happened here and after I finally got it, I laughed so hard tears flowed.

JADA said...

Was he related to you? Cuz this one was funnier- than crap.