Monday, April 17, 2006

Month 5!

Ah a shameless ploy for traffic. Put up pictures of my daughter. Today my daughter turns 5 months old. When I left for work today, she was soundly sleeping in her crib. I told the wife that every hour that she sleeps while we are awake is another hour that she owes us in yard work! We went for a walk yesterday to a little park by our house in order to put Genevieve on the swing. I snapped the above picture of her swinging. The wife kept telling me to stop swinging her so hard, but I feel it is my duty to toughen her up a bit.

On the walk back home, it started to hail, but Genevieve slept right through it. I felt vindicated in my toughening stance... We ran into one of my old coworkers on the way home and she kept going on, and on about how much Genevieve smiles. She's right, we have one happy baby. I like to take credit for her good disposition.

Besides smiling, Genevieve enjoys eating! The kid can really pack away the food. When she is not eating food, she is eating her foot. If I didn't stop her, I sometimes fear that she would eat right through to her mouth.

Update! Update! Update!

After posting this earlier today, I noticed that the first picture of Genevieve sort of looks like we are cooking her in a cast iron pot. I want to assure all of my readers, (especially the cannibals among you, you know who you are!) that the wife and I would never cook our daughter in a cast iron pot! She is far too young and could benefit from some Hansel and Gretel treatment.


JamaJama said...

you are one hideous father.
you are on hideous human being.
I actually thought you put your daughter in a cast iron pot. I had visions of Hans Christian Anderson and elves and all sorts of evils.
Please I beg you. Don't put my Grandaughter in a cast iron pot again!

cowboy said...

It looked like a swing to me. good photo. cute g.g.