Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I saw four Goths on my way to lunch today....

I saw four separate Goths on my way to get lunch today. It kind of makes me feel funny, not scarred or anything, just sort of unsettled. What the heck are four separate people dressed as Goths doing walking around during business hours???
Were they casing the grocery store? I could understand seeing four Goths walking together, but four separate Goths is very strange. I'm thinking that they are a Goth Gang and I think that they are planning to steal all of the gossip magazine at the grocery store. Goths like to spread unhappiness and the best way to do that is to deprive woman of the latest news of Brad and Brittney and what not.
The last Goth I saw was trying to pass as non-Goth. She looked normal but for her strange Goth Boots. These boots were black (of course), and they contained the strangest, sort of shin guard projectiles similar to the kind I wore as a child playing soccer. These strange shin guards had a large white skull and cross bones on them.


Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Why is it hailing here in Seattle?

JamaJama said...

Goths. An anomoly for sure. Not sure what they are trying to say. But, it depresses me just pondering it.

JADA said...

Goths- they leave much room for imagination. I just wish they liked more colors than black. Becuase they way to go with black is classy. Not trashy...

Marylyn said...

hmmm...must of ventured down from Cap Hill to explore new terriorty...

cowboy said...

Goths are a sign of not knowing who you are. So you saw four people who did not know who they were at lunch time.being a Goth is just one area for young people to go into that tells everyone else that they are completely lost. I look at this as agood thing. Cuz at least they are not hiding it or faking it like so many others do. In our day and age we took drugs to try to forget or not care that we were lost.

LaShay said...

The shin gaurds I bought you for Christmas were on back order for 4 month only because I ordered them in Crimson lined with gold, needless to say I canceled the order!