Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Her Mother's Daughter.

The kid was infectious yesterday, so I stayed home with her. It wasn't too bad because she was in a better mood, but one incident bears telling. I was busy doing some work when I noticed that the Kid had wandered off and was being relatively quiet. As any parent knows, this sets off large, loud warning bells in your head.

I went to investigate, and at first glance, it looked like the kid was enjoying a Baby Ruth bar. I could see the chocolaty nougat sticking out from between her lips. I said to myself, "hmm, I wonder were she got the candy bar from?" I thought the wife may have had a pregnancy snack fall out of her purse or something. As I got closer, I realized that it wasn't a Baby Ruth. It was a cat turd, and by the looks of it, a pretty fresh one.

As any good Father would, I started for the camera before I stopped myself and extracted said turn from my little angel's mouth. You can be damn well sure that she didn't get cat turd eating from my side of the family.


Marylyn said...

OMG!! I know this isn't totally the same, but we have the exact same experience with our dog. The movement gets quiet, and then you get the sinking feeling...run over to the litter box and sure enough there she is munching away with that look that says "huh? what?"... ok, maybe that story isn't the same as human? :-)

JamaJama said...

Double Dang OMG. Ok. But who's job is it to clean out the cat box when said wife if pregnant? Let me think... GGs? I think maybe?
Don't let her grandpa read this.

cowboy said...

Man.....wow....hold on......damn.....stupid son of a.......what the he.......

Use that air gun on those things. I'm am not sure that I would have blogged that news. That is kinda like when you shard in your pants.....you don't run and tell a lot O people your just sharded yourself. You just quietly take care of it and SEE THAT IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN.

Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

Holy s*&%@!

LaShay said...

wow, this is too funny the only story that tops this is when Ava stepped in the first percy poo ever in our new house, but even she tried to clean it off herself. Hence Joe caught her in the sink up to her knees on poo water. She's much cleaner than the cat poo eater!

JADA said...

that's disgustidjelng- Jason