Thursday, February 15, 2007

Who's got more street cred?

Here is a little question for you! Which kid has more street credibility? The one on the left or the one on the right? The one on the left, Ava - blonde, German sounding name, holding a fiesta bag, going out to look for her tiddlie - winks. The one on the right, Double G - brunette, dressed to the nines, with a crazy eyed killar look. You don't know if she is going to say "hi!", or jump off that side table and kill you with her mad Kung Fu.

Look at it another way, if you dropped both kids off in the Ghetto, which one is going to get mugged in like 6 seconds, and which one is going to be rollin' with the homeys? I think we all know the answer....


JamaJama said...

jama jama says it's a tie!

LaShay said...

Spoken like a true twit who's never been in the ghetto. Listen Homie, everyone know you don't mess with crazy. Leave crazy alone, you learn it young. obviously if a girl doesn't care which foot her shoe is on, no telling what she'll do. But a $40 outfit, now that has street worth. She could get jumped and be left naked as her hot suit is being pond off for $80. Long answer short. Don't mess with crazy!

JS said...

True enough. I know I don't mess with crazy.

cowboy said...

This one is a hard one to weigh in at. Let's see ...little Lasha or little Jason on the street scene? I say niether. They are both suburbinites.