Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Columbians are Clown Hunting!

This article tells the tale of two Columbians clowns who were shot down during a circus performance in Cucuta Columbia Monday night. Apparantly a guy just burst into the tent during the performance and started shooting.
The local police chief was quoted as saying, "The killings had nothing to do with the show the victims were performing at the time of the incident,". I have to call bullsh*t on this one. How does the police chief know that the clowns' performance did not cause the man to go bonkers?
I've seen plenty of clown performances in my day from the run of the mill 5 year old birthday party clown, to the "Clownin' Around for Jesus" clowns, to the high falutin' French Canadian smarmy clown, and each time I have had a tiny urge to start shooting. As many of you know, I have almost Superhuman self control. (See wife blog) If I get a tiny urge to shoot clowns every time I see them "perform", a lesser man really can't be blamed for acting on his urge. For all I know, Columbian clown performance may quite litererly be the ninth circle of hell.


Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

I knew you would blog about this story!

JamaJama said...

wth. What news do you read for the love of pete. Funny tho.

cowboy said...

Bring on the clowns.I think that anybody who wants to be one has a screw loose. I am not sure about shooting them. I believe that political targets should come first.